office365 skype免費分鐘,不包含台灣

本來以為買了office 365家用版後,看它廣告有寫送60分鐘skype.

To claim your minutes, all you need to do is sign in or create a Skype account and we'll do the rest. Say 『hello' to anyone with a landline in over 60 countries/regions or call mobile phones in 8 countries/regions, including the United States and Canada. See the full list of countries/regions below.

Both landlines and mobile phones: Canada, China, Guam, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States.

Landlines only: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Croatia, Colombia (excl. Lex), Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia (Jakarta), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Venezuela.

Skype minutes are not included with Office 365 in Algeria, Bahrain, China, Egypt, India, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, Qatar, Taiwan, Tunisia, and United Arab Emirates.

Note that special, premium, and non-geographic numbers are not covered by Skype minutes. Additionally, it isn't possible to place emergency calls.

明明外盒有寫送SKYPE 60MIN,但卻加個附註很小的字,台灣沒有...




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