xcode debug 單步執行 F6

在xcode 執行 debug,  the 4 debugging buttons are:

Continue / Pause = (keyboard shortcut is ⌃ + ⌘ + Y)
And these execution control buttons:
  • Step Over = (keyboard shortcut is F6) step over - "Step over", F6, continuing execution but stopping at the next line of code (but not single stepping through the method that the current line of code references)  就是這個...單步執行.
  • Step Into = (keyboard shortcut is F7)  step in - "Step into", F7, continuing execution but stopping at the first line of code in the method your current line of code references;
  • Step Out = (keyboard shortcut is F8)  step out - "Step out", F8, continuing execution but stopping at code that called current method.




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