Mark App Design Apps - Terms and Privacy Policy (服務條款,隱私權政策)

Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy when you use "Mark App Design" Apps:
This policy is effective as of 2020-05-19

This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my app.

If you choose to use my app. then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy.
The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service.
I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

-Packet TV apps use Youtube API Service (terms link: YouTube API Services Terms of Service), when you use this app,  you are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service.

and Google private policy please also see Google Privacy Policy
Mark app design built the Pocket TV app and my most app as a Free app.
These apps are provided by "Mark app design" at no cost and is intended for use as is.

使用app需受 Google 服務條款 規範
App中地圖相關功能使用 Google Maps API 與 Google Places API,詳情請參照 Google 隱私權政策.

App中使用身份識別,位置等這些權限,當您使用應用程序時,並不會儲存您的所在位置或IP資訊等,這些資訊在您離開app後會被清除,但合作之廣告商例如admob可能會透過他們的SDK進行匿名的收集。您在使用程式的時候,我們會收集不記名的統計資訊以進行使用者行為分析(for Google Analytics),一切都只會在匿名的保護下,僅供app分析除錯使用,且收集到的匿名資料都不會透漏給其他人,或轉賣給其他人.請放心安全使用Mark app design所設計的app.


1.本隱私權政策與條款適用於使用者於Google Play Store或Apple store上之Mark App Design所設計並上架成功的app應用程式,並不適用於其他使用者自行於非官方商店之所下載之應用程式或獨立apk. Mark App Design不負責若user自行從非官方app store之來源所下載的app與其所產生的任何行為與後果,故請麻煩各位user只從官方之google play或apple store下載正式版app,並保持版本為最新之app,切勿安裝來路不明apk,並提防有些惡意人士會竄改apk再放到網路上供人下載。

2.Mark App Design所設計的apps,例如租屋快訊等app,若需登入功能,則完全按照google sign-in/Firebase sign-in之規定取得個人識別資訊後,如性別或國家等基本資料,Mark App Design 保證都只作為app登入後,使用者識別之用途,此為必要程序,以節省再要求使用者註冊帳號之麻煩,相關規定均符合Google Sign-in/Firebase auth使用守則,不會取得你的個人帳號或密碼,其為一種由google sign-in/Firebase auth 所傳回之暫時性識別資料,每位使用者皆有獨特之一組識別碼,故你不需提供密碼,但app即可透過之確認是您本人帳號,此種暫時性識別碼無法用做其他用途。另外若非經您書面同意,不會將取得之資料用於其他用途,此記錄僅為app內部供程式識別使用,決不會對外公佈或出售或轉手給其他人,本人也特別謹守分寸,不會要求奇怪之財務和付款資訊、密碼驗證資訊、電話簿或聯絡人資料或權限、不會無故取得麥克風和相機感應器資料,以及不會要求存取具有機密性的裝置資料,如果你發現app安裝時需要要求這些不必要權限,請注意可能你下載到惡意竄改之apk,請移除之並改從官方google play/apple store下載。

3.Mark App Design所設計的apps,例如LED Flash-Light,須使用Camera權限,只是因開啟led需此權限才能使用led功能,例如鏡子app須取得camera權限,也保證絕不會將camra用作其他用途,本人設計之app絕不會取得不需要之權限,如你發現app會要求此類無相關權限,請馬上通知Mark App Design並移除app,以防範安裝到假的apk.

4.Mark App Design盡其可能保護使用者個人資料,包括定期進行安全檢修、執行相關安全更新確保使用者資料安全。使用Amazon主機服務,使用不易中毒之linux系統,並每日都會定期更新作業系統更新檔, 主機並設有高強度防火牆,可防範駭客攻擊並防範其竊取資料,而Linux本身也具有高度防毒特性,不易像windows作業系統般容易中毒,並且APP網路資料傳輸過程皆是以https與TLS加密,Mark App Design並有購買合法HTTPS憑證,可對您的個人資料加上嚴格的保護措施,只有授權的人員才能接觸您的個人資料,並且不會將此資料洩露給第三方作其他用途.

5.Mark App Design app免費版採用Google Admob廣告,廣告id追蹤是由admob內部程式收集與儲存,並放置於其自己的程式儲存記憶體內 ,app不會取得這資料也無法取得,因此相關廣告之隱私權政策請參考admob規則,mark app design完全遵守admob廣告規則,如果您感覺廣告內容違反相關規章,如內容是血腥色情之內容,Mark app design並不處理這類事務,請直接透過廣告單元上之按鈕向admob反應,另外,提醒使用者,app加入廣告之原因是為了支付app相關研發與維護所必須之aws主機費,其他相關費用,例如Apple developer program規費,HTTPS/SSL 憑證等年度費用,研發與測試設備費用,這些費用龐大,為維持營運品質,不得已只能加入廣告,請各位使用者見諒.

6.關於 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),本條款僅適用歐洲公民,如果你不願意再使用Mark app design所設計的app,且該app有使用到google sign-in/Firebase auth, 您可移除app後,再寫信給mark app design之處理信箱 註明您所使用的app,寫明緣由,並附上可佐證為您本人之信息,經確認後,mark app design會保障您的資料被遺忘權.刪除你的帳號與衍伸資料.記住這是不可回覆之動作,一旦註銷,不可要求回覆.


8.Pocket News TV app使用的是Youtube API Service.相關Youtube 服務條款請參見YouTube Terms of Service (ToS). 本APP皆遵守Youtube API使用規範,不會暫存任何影片資料.同時您必須年滿 18 歲才能使用Pocket News TV app.本TV app也不會重製或下載、再發佈、再二次傳輸、出售、授權、修改、變更影片.僅是透過Youtube API Service所取得的資料忠實呈現,影片控制權在於原影片發佈者,影片發佈者也可選擇是否願意"嵌入",若不願意顯示在本TV app時.在app內會顯示未授權而無法撥放.

9.Map相關App,例如台灣玩樂地圖,捷運地圖等App需要google map service.Packet TV app需要Youtube API service, Mark App Design 皆遵守Google Privacy Policy. 相關資訊可參考: Google Privacy Policy.您也可透過此網站管理您的定位紀錄.

10:What information we collect and why we collect it and How we use that information:
-House for Rent: 需要透過登入,才可新增租屋物件,故需記憶您的Email作為app帳號.
-MAP相關Apps,例如台灣玩樂地圖,捷運地圖等需要google map service.本app不會紀錄任何您的相關搜尋紀錄,但google map service可能會記錄你的訂位紀錄.如需管理或刪除定位資料,請使用Google map設定,可刪除或觀看.
-Pocket News TV app:不會記錄任何您的觀看節目之紀錄.

Information Collection and Use
For a better experience, while using our app, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information.The information that I request will be retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way.
The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.

Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app
   Google Play Services
   Facebook Audience Network (ads service only House for rent app.)

Log Data
I want to inform you that whenever you use my App, in a case of an error in the app I collect data and information (through third party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device IP address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.

I value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and I cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites
This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Children's Privacy
These apps do not address anyone under the age of 18. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 18.

(一)使用者使用Mark app design的Apps,不構成任何申述、保證或暗示其推薦、同意、許可或核准之表示;Mark app design僅於知悉其所提供之Apps有錯誤或遺漏時,負修正及補充之責。
(二)使用者使用Mark app design的Apps,如有受有損害或損失,或致第三人受有損害或損失,而遭求償者,除法令另有規定外,Mark app design不負任何賠償或補償之責。
(三)使用者使用Mark app design的Apps,因故意或過失,致遭受損害,或第三人因此向Mark app design請求賠償損害,該使用者應自行負擔賠償責任,不應牽扯到app designer.

Mark app design的app是由Oracle certificated Java developer (OCPJP)所認證工程師所設計, 並通過台灣TQC+所認證Android app developer考試取得證照,有多年程式設計經驗,寫出的程式都有極高的品質,遵守程式設計師之道德良心守則,絕不會違背良心設計出惡意程式。且Mark app design並非位於中國,你的資料或app內容不會被中國政府所使用或窺視,保持高度安全性.你的隱私權的保護是Mark app design所最重視的一件事.

-Mark App Design保留修改權利,修正後的條款將刊登於此。
-The terms may be changed any time at discretion, without notice to the user.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about my app and Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me at Mark app design.(



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