按照apple ios app icon標準(App Icon Attributes): All app icons should adhere to the following specifications. 所有app icon須符合下列: -Format: PNG , 一定要png...但全彩png size很大 .. -Color: 注意24bit不要有透明色在上面. -Layers: Flattened with no transparency. 絕不可以有alpha透明色. -Shape Square with no rounded corners 不可以有圓角,之後apple會統一用圓角特效上去. -Resolution: -iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, and iPhone 6s Plus @3x -All other high-resolution iOS devices @2x ps: 建議不要使用 PDF 檔案.. pdf內是一個向量圖,本來是用來減少png的size太大問題. 但對於較複雜的圖像而言 PNG 的表現實際上是優於 PDF 的. iOS系統會自動把 30x30 的 PDF 圖檔做成 @2x 60x60 的 PNG 圖檔. 很複雜的官方說明: Image Size (px) File Name Used For App Store 512x512 iTunesArtwork App list in iTunes Do not include 1024x1024 iTunesArtwork@2x App list in iTunes on devices with retina display Do not include 120x120 (最重要!) Icon-60@2x.png Home screen on iPhone/iPod Touch with retina d...
Google developer console內的 正式發布前測試報告(Pre-launch report)...非常好用. 要產生應用程式的正式發佈前測試報告,要請將應用程式發佈至開放式beta、封閉式alpha或內部測試群組。 它有 三個版本. 到底該用那一個? 我是用 內部測試 之後會升到 alpha. (內部測試群組--> alpha --> 正式release.) 內部測試: Fast: You can distribute apps via the internal test track much faster than the open or closed tracks. When you publish a new APK or app bundle to the internal test track, it will be available to testers within a few minutes. (幾分鐘之內會生效給測試者) 但我主要是要他幫我跑"正式發布前測試報告". 會發現很多自己在測試時沒發現的問題. 不過因為一直出現紅字,但我自己又測不到問題在那. 因為改了一些我認為有問題的code. 一直上傳請他幫我測試,不知道這樣會不會是違規? google play審核人員看你一直上傳,不生氣才怪, (這會浪費他們時間,可能下次審核時間給你延長幾天.等你確定後不再上傳才一次審核完 .) 目前我是先用"內部測試群組",這樣就不用經過google play審核人員審核.等都all pass都是綠色後,才升版到alpha. 發生bug..他告訴我大概位置: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The application's PagerAdapter changed the adapter's contents without calling PagerAdapter#notifyDataSetChanged! Expected adapter item count: 100, found: 5 Pager id: com.mark.TOEICtes...
Privacy Policy The Privacy Policy when you use "Mark App Design" Apps: This policy is effective as of 2020-05-19 This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my app. If you choose to use my app. then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. -Packet TV apps use Youtube API Service (terms link: YouTube API Services Terms of Service ), when you use this app, you are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service. and Google private policy please also see Google Privacy Policy Mark app design built the Pocket TV app and my most app as a Free app. These apps are provided by "Mark app design" at no cost and is intended for use as is. 使用app需受 G...
現在越來越多手機開始轉成android 12. 於是我就把target sdk = 31 試試看. android { compileSdkVersion 31 defaultConfig { targetSdkVersion 31 } } 結果舊有的app都開始發生了閃退現象. 就有使用者跟我反映app當機問題出現.因為這屬於不可歸咎app設計的問題..必須要在android 12的機器上跑才會發生,而且android developer console中Pre-launch report 也沒測試出問題. 但一跑android 12模擬器就會發生當機,所以真的會有問題. 只能說寫app要處理的突發情況有很多,這是其一. android app發佈控制台好的地方是當你上傳apk時,他都會幫你自動做Pre-launch 測試. 這次android 12會突然當機的問題,理應要先被Pre-launch 被發現才對. 我檢查後才發現,原來連Pre-launch都沒測試到最新的android 12. 他只測試到android 11. 但目前很多新機子已經開始系統更新到android 12去了.這就是問題會發生的原因. ---- error message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: com.mark.electricitybillcalculator: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent. Strongly consider using FLAG_IMMUTABLE, only use FLAG_MUTABLE if some functionality depends on the PendingIntent being mutable,...
Welcome to the Google Play badge page 千萬不要自己設計Google play 標籤,這裡有官方網站可產生之: https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/ deliverable type: 選擇digital badges,可產生 HTML 連結 就可貼到其他地方. 選擇print 的話,只有 一張高畫質EPS圖,可在Photoshop處理,不需要再從別地方找了. 就像這樣:點了會到google play store: